Panama City Adventure Continues

T. Rex at Albrook Mall!!!

Rojos Diablos (Red Devils) are old U.S. buses given a second life on the streets of Panama City.

The balconies of Casco Viejo (Old Compound).
This ship is entering the first lock of the Panama Canal (Miraflor). It will take 8-10 hours for this ship to go through the canal and enter the Caribbean Sea.

A ship, a sailboat, and tugboat are going through the first set of locks (Miraflor). They will be entering Lake Miraflor and continue to the next set of locks.

"You lookin' at me?" A sample of the fish found in Panama. This was at the Panama Canal Museum.

Visiting Panama City, Panama

October 2009 - Photos of our visit to Panama City, Panama.

Casco Viejo an older section of Panama City.

The view the city from our hotel.

Leapin' lizards!

An old building in Casco Viejo.

Different architect styles are found throughout Panama City.

Statue of Simon Bolivar.

Shoes Distribution by the Barrio Planta Project

From The Barrio Planta Project's Facebook page:
Thanks to David and Jo Ann Makous, The Barrio Planta Project was given 60 pairs of Converse black & white tennis shoes, donated by Nike. Now our kids in the basketball clinic have shoes, instead of running around barefoot!!

Special thanks to Dan and Cesar for posting the pics, and to Kelvin Marshall for his article about it in the Del Sur, "Air Dyani." Check out some of the pics at:

Thanks to Sara Lemieux for helping out, Jo and Dave for making it all happen and of course to our wonderful staff.

For more information about the Barrio Planta Project visit their website:

Arena Soccer

Arena Soccer action can be found at the San Juan del Sur Sports Park, located on the southern end of the beach.